Due to the lovely Adderall shortage, I haven’t been able to get my prescription filled. This has been very problematic for me since I am a bit scatter-brained without it. And though I went a long time in life without it and had developed coping mechanisms, it’s been a hot minute.
So my doctor perscribed me Vyvanse. I started taking it on Wednesday and it was good, I could concentrate. But I started to feel light-headed. Now while this has been going on I also started doing this elimination diet which is horrible and I hate it. I can’t eat a lot of things. So I thought it was because of that. I have POTS which I refer to as fainting goat syndrome so I thought that was probably it. I wasn’t eating enough and certainly not enough salt (that’s a thing with POTS). So I upped it and started taking salt tablets. But it kept getting worse and worse.
Then yesterday I couldn’t stand more than 5 minutes at a time.
What was also weird is that in the evening, my balance started to go and when I laid down I felt like I was stoned. Now I would not mind being stoned if I had intentionally chosen to be stoned (I do miss that, it was a good migraine drug). But I hadn’t, so that was a really really big problem. And that wouldn’t be food related.
So I got up this morning, same issue. I called my sister and asked her opinion. It hadn’t even occurred to me it would be the Vyvanse since technically it is similar to Adderall, same underlying drug but made with a different compound and without the amphetamine salts. Once she suggested that (and Covid, which I was negative, yay home tests) I messaged my friend who is a drug dealer (pharmacy tech) and she sent back get off the Vyvanse, it’s a hot mess for women. It messes with your hormones and back door causes your blood sugar to drop.
So hopefully I will start to be better tomorrow once it gets out of my system (it and the thyroid med I take literally right after I wake up since I can’t eat with it). But…the experience of being “stoned” and laying in bed coupled with my desire to start writing more has sparked something in me and I’m starting to get my creative juices back.
I am NOT crediting the elimination diet for the inspo, I really really really want a taco. Or even an egg. Like fine no candy or coca-cola (for now, I know it wouldn’t betray me and be causing my migraines and such) but I just want a tortilla. Or pita bread for the hummus. Carrots suck with hummus.
But anyway, I did one poem, started another and had an idea for a short story. Gotta say it felt nice. I have been working on my ideal morning routine (I work well with lists and it has GOT to be something more than roll out of bed and start working) and I think I am going to add time to write in the morning.
Maybe I’ll write about that tomorrow. But first, embrace the ridiculous high and get prepared for the obnoxious amount of hoops I will need to jump through to try another drug since the government can’t be bothered to just build a DEA database that receives all controlled substances that are filled in pharmacies and build an algorithm to trigger if someone is filling more than they should instead of demanding that the supply be smaller and that patients and doctors sign contracts that have to be on file and make pharmacies track all the paperwork.
At the end of the day massive corporations already know I filled the damn drugs, who cares if the government knows. They scare me way less than when Target knows EXACTLY what I was craving at that particular moment and sends me an add for it.
Anyway, so yeah.