The Election
First, for those who had candidates or ballot measures they were really passionate about who won, congratulations. I really hope that what you voted for plays out in the manner you want it to in the way you think it actually will.
But I'm disappointed. I really thought we were turning out as a country and we didn't. 18 million fewer people voted than 2020. Even Trump supporters were less, from 74.2 mil to 71.8 mil and let's be honest, y'all rep Trump more than Latino Catholics rep the Virgin Mary and I have 2 references in my house and one in my wallet alone.
I really thought this election was going to be it, was going to be the year were finally people got it. Sure, no one really liked the Presidential candidates (yes some were super hyped, I get it) but guess what, you don't get better until you start ACTUALLY participating in the local stuff and demanding better there. Trump is the literal exception to the rule. If Citizens United didn't happen, neither would have Trump. The vast majority of his funding through all of his campaigns have been through SuperPacs and 501cs, which hey, not going to knock the hustle.
But if you want better, you have to demand better at the local level. And if you think politics doesn't impact your life daily it is truly because you are privileged enough that your politicians are ensuring you don't pay attention to it so you don't pay attention to them. So you don't notice potholes or streets not being plowed or traffic lights not working or trash along the streets. But be careful to not paying attention. If you ever had kids you know when they are quiet is when shit is happening.
So I was really disappointed to find out that so many people bailed to do THE MOST BASIC OF BASIC CITIZEN JOB. There will never ever be a candidate you agree with 100% unless you yourself run. It's a bus route, not an uber.
We have to do better. Sincerely I don't care what political party you are a part of or what you believe in (that's not true, if you think that centipedes should have free roam in even in houses I truly hate your stance but I will encourage you to still bring forward your proposals) we have to not just vote, which is like basic, we need to actually engage.
Because to pretend that life itself isn't political when we drink water that we get it from the pipes or in a plastic bottle that has to go through a processing plant that has been verified by government agencies or has to pass through customs and the importer into the country and has paid a tariff that has been passed on to you, is not fundamentally political is willfully ignorant. And that is just one thing. And you can't escape water. It's in your drinks, food, shower, laundry machine, etc.
Politics is everywhere, even if you don't want to admit it. And local politics impacts you massively. Start there and then maybe one day soon, we'll stop saying for Presidential candidates the lessor of two evils every 4 years. That's what giving a damn can do.