Adventures In Life

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What is weird to me is that I think opening is probably going to cause more small businesses to go under.

Here's the logic. Right now they can access loans, insurance, etc. Their employees can access unemployment and insurance through the emergency legislation and such. Now none of this is perfect, but there is at least something.

Most of these businesses are running on large margins. We know that supply chains are starting to get impacted and will be for a while because the rest of the world isn't opening up yet and a lot of what we get isn't from here, so pricing for things will go up over the next couple of months.

So let's assume that things just turn back on, no new rules on social distancing or capacity, even though we all know that will probably happen.

Do we actually think that everyone will go back to normal on going out and such? Even in places that are opening up, they aren't seeing people rush out to even previous normal much less for how much everyone is complaining.

So what happens if a restaurant that was running on a 10% margin only comes back to 75% of previous business? What about their workers? Not because of social distancing rules but because people aren't willing to risk being around folks.

Surveys are showing majority of people are in support of the restrictions so even if people venture out once things relax they probably won’t go to as many places as they would normally go.

So what happens to businesses that now have new regulations that will limit amount of folks and have some additional costs but also have folks who were normally willing to consider going there but are now skittish? And most importantly, no safety net for them or their employees because they were allowed to open back up.

They don’t get to be “too big to fail” or are essential. I think we will see a lot of bankruptcies of small business and more empty building syndrome come next year. And that saddens me way more than being stuck in my house.