Adventures In Life

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Well Crap That Time Sucked - RunDisney

I signed up to do the RunDisney Virtual 5ks for June, July and August. At the time it made sense, help me improve my running and get back into it. Slight issue, I have plantar fasciitis. It has left me with some really annoying pain in my heel. It feels like I am stepping on a dull knife at most times.

I went to the doctor and I now have stretches, insoles (that deliver Monday), a wrap for my foot and I am not allowed to be barefoot. Also, I can take Advil and do use that freezing thingy on my foot.

So how good am I at following doctor’s orders? I ordered the insoles….yesterday…

Now I have kept my foot wrapped when convenient but I have to admit I am bad at following doctor’s orders. I am currently sitting in the living room typing this barefoot. So, really on top of it.

But today is the last day of June so I went to do my 5k…holy crap. My time, bad, let’s just start there. I walked the whole thing, the first hint of running and my foot was in pain. Now I have a pretty high pain tolerance (no really, I have had 7 surgeries, it has built up) but there is something about WILLINGLY inflicting pain on oneself for no real reason that I just can’t do. I’m not running in a race for time to qualify, I’m not in my boxing class (there have been times when my foot would be half numb from jump squats and don’t get me started on holding a squat where I’m supposed to have my weight on my heels, lol). So I didn’t feel that bad for walking it. But even when I tried to get my normal warm up pace of 4 mph that really hurt. So my time was bad.

Lesson learned Disney. I will do what I am supposed to, insoles, no barefeet, wrap the dang foot, stretch it and biofreeze it. Let’s see what July’s time ends up being. It’s good to have goals, they make you do what you know full well you are supposed to do.