Adventures In Life

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In Process - #125 Read 100 Books in A Year

I am working on my Book challenge but I am a bit behind. That said I haven’t caught up yet on getting everything posted on Goodreads either. I’m so naughty. But hopefully by the end of July I should be back on track. So far I am 34 books in on the app but I think I am really 38 books in.

I have 4 books read in the bedroom, but I am being lazy and haven’t gotten up to go get them and make sure I add the properly chosen one. I am so bad at names and titles. Maybe one day I will be better, but it will not be today, that is for sure.

But I do love this challenge. It is incredibly fun. Though it was intended to work on the books I already own, I have not been very good at that at all. It has become an excuse to buy more. I do need to start work on the financial goals and work that one in for sure.

Books, my true weakness. If only I could just be Belle….