In Process - #122 Get Yoga Certified
So I signed up to get my yoga certification. Was going well, then my type A, teacher’s pet, must get 100% in class personality promptly got myself injured when I didn’t quite understand that pain was bad (I have a high pain tolerance, I just normally push through, oops).
Well, in my effort to have my wrists be more flexible than what they are, I gave myself double tennis elbow.
Yes, I know, that is ridiculous, I fully acknowledge that.
Anyway, after 6? (time has lost all meaning to me) weeks of OT, I have been given the okay to start back up with easy beginner friendly yoga along with light (2-3 lb weights, ugh) weight training and if I feel any pain I am to stop.
This will be a new experience for me, but hey, new website design new me? Something like that? I will give it a try. I have messaged the company and they will be adding me back into a new class and though I have to start all over, that is okay. I do enjoy it and it is nice to have something that makes me take time for myself to stretch and center myself.
I enjoy the feeling. Back when the Kid was little, one of his friends was a yoga instructor and I miss her and her classes. It was so lovely having the ability to do something for myself without feeling guilty about it. I know it is silly to feel guilty about it and yet, I still do.
Ah, I wonder what will happen first, me and therapy fixing that issue or death? It might be photo finish there, lol.
Anyway, I am excited to get back at it!